Sunday 6 September 2015

Strengthen & Save Your Knees

Tips To Strengthen & Save Your Knees From Minor Pain

When I first started my workout program, which began as daily dance performances when I was an entertainer, my knees hurt just about every day.
In my case, I simply did not have any prior muscle developments in my legs or abdomen to support my activities. My weak leg muscles and heavy body-weight contributed to a lot of pressure on my knees. I was told that losing extra weight would take the pressure off my knees. Yeah, well, the advice sounded like a catch 22.  How was I going to lose weight and dance without pain, if the dancing exercise was the cause of my pain?
If you experience knee pain, there’s a way to address it without feeling defeated. You can mindfully strengthen your knees while you continue to work toward your fitness and fat-loss goals.
First be well informed, whenever you have joint pain, it is best that you consult a physical therapist or physician to rule out a major structural issue that requires professional rehabilitation.
However, if you are cleared to exercise, by all means, get moving’ toward your goals.

Tips to save your knees if they hurt

Don’t run or jump

Don’t run or jump, instead use an elliptical trainer, ride the bicycle, strength train with a professional instructor, and opt for a low-impact aerobics class. If the class you want to take is built around fast direction changes, abrupt starts and stops, or stomping, just chill.  You need to modify all that stuff until your quads, hamstrings, and core get strong enough to support your knees.

Do yoga

Basic yoga classes offer balancing poses and core-building exercises that strengthen the whole body. Isometric training for legs (holding poses without moving) is one of the best ways to strengthen the knees.  Poses like downward dog, planks, and bridges improve your leg and core strength.  This poses also increase your muscle awareness and reinforce proper body alignment and stabilization.

Roll out with the foam roller, then stretch

Tight muscles around the knees can make you susceptible to injuries in the knees, hips, and back. The foam roller is a miracle tool. It will release all of the tight areas around your gluteus muscles, back, and legs.
Use the 36” foam roller to roll and gently massage the knots and adhesions in these areas. You will recognize the “knots” because they feel tender when you roll over them.
Roll each area for only 30 seconds to one minute.  Be aware not to roll till your legs turn to jelly, which can actually damage the tissues. After you roll out, stretch. You’ll be amazed by how much more flexible you are after using the foam roller.

And an extra thought to consider to save your knees

Your shoes could be causing your knees to hurt

Especially when the seasons change, we tend to change our shoes; for example, going from summer sandals to cold weather boots.  Your physical alignment shifts when the heel height and support from your shoe changes.  Your body needs time to adjust and re-align from your heel-to-knee-to-hip-to-back.

Sore Knees

Sore knees don’t have to be a setback. With the proper modifications, exercises, and a load of patience (it might take months for you to feel stronger), you can keep moving toward your fitness goals without interruption.

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