Saturday 5 September 2015

Simple Remedies To Reduce Hairfall

20 Simple Remedies To Reduce Hairfall
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention! If you're one of those who find more hair on their comb than your head; and if you really don't want to go bald or worse, half bald, straight-out empty from the top, then this might help you. 
After a certain age, most of us start to face major hair fall. So, before things turn out of control and you end up with no effective remedy, try these simple home-tricks to, at least, reduce hair loss if not stop: 

1. Be kind to your hair. Comb slow and steady. 

2. Don't towel-dry your hair in a rush or by rubbing it too hard. Gently skim the towel throughout. 

3. Avoid using tight-quality rubber bands. In the process of tying and untying, you can save a lot of hair.

4. Rinse away the shampoos and conditioners you use with cold water or water in room temperature. And do so, really well. We often think we've rinsed it well but we haven't.

Warm or hot water isn't the best option. It results in dryness and thinning, and stimulates hair loss. 

5. Also, use the right kind of shampoo for you hair type. Don't use hard shampoos, use milder ones. It could go a long way in keeping your hair healthy and strong. 

6. Don't comb your hair when it's wet. Your hair is most susceptible to breakage when wet. 

7. Use soft bristle brushes and wide-toothed combs. 

8. Let your hair air-dry as much as you can. Heating causes a thinning effect on your hair making it easily breakable. 

9. Use steam to rejuvenate your hair. Simply dip a clean towel into hot water, squeeze the excess and cover your hair with the towel till it cools down. 

This cleans the pores present on the scalp and enhances blood flow to stimulate hair growth.

10. Massage your scalp regularly. It stimulates blood circulation. Use hair oils to further boost hair-growth. These include coconut, amla, olive and even raspberry hair oil. 

11. Try the Aloe Vera gel treatment. Apply on scalp to nourish hair-roots. 

12. Indian Lilac (Neem) is one of the best remedies to improving hair growth. Wash your hair with a paste made out of Neem leaves and follow it up with an apple-cedar-vinegar rinse. 

This also helps reduce scalp oil and infections. 

13. Honey, olive oil and cinnamon mixed together make for a soothing yet effective hair growth pack.

14. Henna paste mixed with egg-whites and curd are also well-to-do products for hair-loss. 

15. Reduce your caffeine intake. It reflects badly on your hair, primarily with dryness and a major slow-down in natural processes such as hair growth.

16. Trim your hair regularly, especially to avoid split ends. Split ends result in hair-knots and breakage. 

17. If you use a lot of those hair volume-serums and hair masks, avoid a residue build-up on your scalp.

Keep it clean by following the right instructions mentioned on the product you're using. 

18. Eating too much of junk can be harmful for your hair. But if it's hard to avoid, counter its effect by drinking at least 8 glasses of water everyday, preferably on an empty stomach.

19. Nothing does the job better than fresh home cooked food if you want great hair. Eat the ones rich in vitamin A, B, C, E, protein and iron. 

20. Most importantly, exercise! You're probably wondering how this would help, but exercising can relatively boost your metabolism and simultaneously reduce stress. 

Stress is hugely responsible for hair loss. So keep your life stress free. Meditation helps as well, but if it's too demanding for your lifestyle, just try and take deep breaths whenever you can. 

Let's hope these useful, simple home remedies help boost your hair's health. 

Power of Water-Unknown fact

Benefits of Drinking Water just read for a minute

1. Relieves Fatigue

If you often feel tired, there is a high chance that it could be due to inadequate consumption of water which makes the body function less efficiently. In fact, fatigue is one of the first signs of dehydration.
When there is less water in the body, there is a drop of blood volume which causes the heart to work harder to pump oxygenated blood out in the bloodstream, and other major organs also work less efficiently. Thus, drinking adequate water can help your body function better and reduce fatigue.

2. Improves Mood

Research indicates that mild dehydration (even one or two percent lower hydration level of hydration than optimal) can negatively affect your mood and ability to think.
A small study conducted on 25 women and published in the Journal of Nutrition found that being dehydrated can take a toll on your mood and cognitiive function. The color of your urine is a good indicator of your level of hydration. The lighter the color the better the level of hydration and vice versa.

3. Treats Headaches and Migraines

If you have a headache or migraine, the first thing that you can do to get some relief is drink plenty of water. Headaches and migraines are often caused by dehydration.
In a study published in the European Journal of Neurology, researchers found that increasing water intake helped reduce the total number of hours and intensity of headaches in the study participants.

4. Helps in Digestion and Constipation

Water also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This helps in digestion and prevents constipation. Inadequate water in the body often results in constipation as the colon pulls water from the stools to maintain hydration, thereby making them harder and difficult to pass.
Drinking sufficient water boosts your metabolism and helps the body properly break down food. This helps your digestive system work well and promotes regular bowel movements. Warm water, in particular, is good for digestive health.

5. Aids Weight Loss

In a clinical trial, scientists found that drinking two eight-ounce glasses of water prior to meals can help suppress appetite and hence support your weight loss efforts. When you drink water, it fills your stomach and reduces the tendency to eat more.
Plus, it helps increase the rate at which the body burns fat, and promotes the breakdown and elimination of fat cells.
Calorie-free water is also a great replacement for high-calorie drinks like alcohol, sugary fizzy drinks and sodas that often contribute to weight gain.

6. Flushes Out Toxins

Water is an excellent detoxifier as it helps flush out toxins from your body and get rid of waste primarily through sweat and urine.
It also promotes kidney function and reduces kidney stones by diluting the salts and minerals in urine that cause kidney stones.
Though you need to drink adequate amount of water throughout the day, experts warn against drinking too much water (although uncommon still, it is possible) as it may reduce your kidneys’ ability to filter out waste.
Thus, it is recommended to drink the amount of water your body requires. As the amount of water required by the body tends to differ from one person to another, it is usually suggested to drink to your thirst, and also include other fluids and foods with high water content in your diet.

Benefts of Green Tea

Benefits of  Green Tea

Six Surprising Health Benefits Of Green Tea

1. Combats Allergies

Green tea may need to be added to your allergy season arsenal. Drinking the green liquid may provide some relief, as it's been proven to be anti-allergenic; a specific compound, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), appears to be the most potent.
A 2007 study published in the journal Cytotechnology found the tea polyphenol can reduce pollen allergies. This is the first time a methylated form of EGCG can block the IgE receptor — the key receptor involved in an allergic response. It can elicit a stronger anti-allergenic response than normal EGCG, which makes it the strongest anti-allergen compound found in tea. Quercetin, a naturally occurring flavonol in tea, can also alleviate a histamine response.

2. Boosts Eyesight

Carrots have long been associated as a food that promotes good eyesight, but science suggest there’s a new kid on the block. The antioxidants found in green tea can actually penetrate the tissues of the eyes and produce antioxidant activity. Catechins, an antioxidant in green tea, are capable of being absorbed into the tissues of the eye.
A 2001 study published in the journal Experimental Eye Research found green tea can actually prevent cataract-induced blindness. Researchers saw different parts of the eye absorbed varying amounts of catechins, with the highest concentration of this antioxidant found in the retina of lab rats fed green tea extract. The area with the least absorption of catechins was the cornea. These findings suggest that drinking green tea could serve as a protective measure when it comes to eyesight, but its effects have yet to be confirmed in humans.

3. Lowers Cholesterol

The access to greasy foods puts your health at risk for heart-related complications like high cholesterol. Replacing unhealthy snacks and drinks with green tea could actually help keep your cholesterol levels at bay. Green tea’s powerful antioxidant, EGCG, is believed to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol from the large intestine.
A 2011 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found green tea consumption significantly lowered the total serum cholesterol and LDL cholesterol across 14 randomized controlled trials of over 1100 participants. Overall, green tea intake led to significant reductions in total cholesterol — 7.2mg/dL, and mean low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (2.19 mg/dL). Research suggests drinking five cups of green tea per day will provide the biggest reduction in cholesterol.

4. Promotes Healthy Gums And Teeth

Drinking tea has been given a bad reputation for its staining effect on your teeth. The hot beverage contains tannic acid, which is what gives tea its dark-like color. However, the consumption of green tea can actually be beneficial when it comes to your oral health.
A 2009 study published in the Journal of Periodontology found the intake of green tea was inversely correlated with periodontal disease. Regularly drinking green tea reduced symptoms of periodontal disease, possibly due to the presence of catechin. Catechin reduces inflammation in the body, and therefore, interferes with the body’s inflammatory response to periodontal bacteria. Its ability to control bacteria and lower the acidity of saliva and dental plaque makes it useful for preventing cavities and other indicators of poor oral health.

5. Wards Off Oral Cancer

Green tea has been known to target pancreatic cancer, and most recently oral cancer. Its strongest antioxidant, EGCG, is able to help kill cancer cells through destruction of the cells’ mitochondria, and may even become a possible alternative to the debilitating chemotherapy. Green tea consumption is believed to not be associated with any of chemo’s side effects, according to a recent study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research.
“It looks like EGCG causes the formation of reactive oxygen species in cancer cells, which damages the mitochondria, and the mitochondria responds by making more reactive oxygen species,” Joshua Lambert, associate professor of food science at Penn State, in a press release. Eventually, the mitochondria loses its defenses with a breakdown in the expression of antioxidant genes. It is in this weakened state the cancer cells succumb to EGCG and die.

6. UV Protection

You may want to add a packet of green tea in addition to sunscreen and sunglasses when you visit the beach. The catechins in green tea can actually make the skin more resistant to the effects of UV rays and therefore premature skin aging. They can also lead to reduced skin redness after UV exposure.
A 2013 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found a relatively low dose (540 mg) of green tea catechins each day along with 50 mg of vitamin C for 12 weeks, or two cups of green tea can considerably reduce the effect of UV radiation on the skin. When UV exposure produced inflammation, green tea supplementation reduced that effect. This is the first time oral doses of green tea has been proven to make their way to skin tissues to limit the effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
A cup of green tea a day, may actually keep the doctor away.